Writing for The Supreme Editor

"My heart overflows with a good theme;
I address my verses to the King;
my tongue is the pen of a ready writer."
~ Psalm 45:1


Welcome  to


You can usually find me in my writing studio. It was in my home which I call "Eagle Summit" in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia pictured above.

Whether you're an aspiring Christian writer or an already published author, young or a late bloomer in your 70s or above, it's never too early or too late to pursue your writing dreams.

I've had decades of editorial writing, teaching writers' workshops, conference presenting, publishing, and radio broadcast production.

It didn't happen overnight! I was in my mid-twenties, exhausted, with three toddlers in tow returning from the mission field when I experienced the sweat and thrill of seeing my first piece of writing published in a giveaway Sunday School paper. No payment, but oh, how sweet to see my first byline! Read the whole story in ABOUT LEONA.

I knew God was calling me to write for Him. A long road lay ahead. For over 30 years I've been Executive Director of Golden Morning Publishing, our indie ministry. We've produced over 55 books, my own and also those of other authors.

Now, GMP is not accepting book manuscripts for publishing under our logo or editing your manuscript.


On March 2nd , 2023, things changed and God said it was time for me to graduate and leave this “earth suit” I wore for 97 years.

My oldest son will try to keep this website with its vast amount of information and blog posts up as long as GMP can afford it. If you would like to contribute to keeping this site available for all to see, please consider contributing to this account at Paypal.me/LeonaChoy. You don’t need a Paypal account to donate. Any credit card will work too. All the books in the bookstore are still available and you can email [email protected] for pricing and availability.


Download your FREE multi-page PDF, “Fan the Flame—Creative Christian Writing”




Will We Need Cell Phones In Heaven?


I Have Left My Earth Suit

3/9/2023 11:00:00 AM BY Leona's Family

My Dear Friends and Family,

I pray this message finds you all safe and healthy.

I know that many of you have been concerned about me. I am honored and blessed that you would take the time to inquire about my lack of communication over the past month.

This past year had brought some health challenges and I was really feeling my 97 years! As a result, I spoke to the Lord for His direction regarding "retirement" here on earth. I believe He spoke.

I am very grateful for the many opportunities He has given me to minister to His people. I am very grateful, as well, for all of you and your faithfulness in following me on this journey.

I am now resting in His loving arms.


Omps Funeral Home will provide a live viewing feed to the Celebration of Life. Link to the live stream feed will be available prior to the 11 am EST service. Access the Omps website via the link below and click on the livestream link; located on her obituary.